
Medicina holística

Un enfoque innovador

La enfermedad crónica se está extendiendo!

La medicina convencional no puede detenerlo, pero la Medicina Funcional sí.

La medicina funcional es un enfoque diferente de la atención, que aborda la causa raíz de una enfermedad en lugar de depender de medicamentos para suprimir los síntomas.

Corrige el desajuste entre nuestro cuerpo y nuestro entorno a través de intervenciones en la dieta y el estilo de vida.

La medicina funcional es el futuro de la atención médica y es nuestra mejor arma contra las enfermedades crónicas.

El objetivo de la medicina funcional es ir a la raíz a la causa, al origen de los síntomas y enfermedades, para prevenir y solucionar condiciones crónicas, alcanzar el bienestar y la vitalidad

Está medicina te ayuda a:

  • Cambiar tú salud
  • Resolver enfermedades crónicas complejas o que entren en estado de remisión
  • Obtener los conocimientos  adecuados en hábitos de estilo de vida saludable
  • Saber que alimentos juegan a tú favor, derribar mitos nutricionales, volver a la alimentación ancestral
  • Recuperar el sueño adecuado
  • Controlar el estrés
  • Desintoxicar tú organismo
  • Llevar una adecuada suplencia de nutrientes guiada
  • Mejorar el sistema inmune
  • Tratar la carga tóxica y microbiológica acumulada

Está medicina te ayuda a:

  1. Cambiar tú salud
  2. Resolver enfermedades crónicas complejas o que entren en estado de remisión
  3. Obtener los conocimientos  adecuados en hábitos de estilo de vida saludable
  4. Saber que alimentos juegan a tú favor, derribar mitos nutricionales, volver a la alimentación ancestral
  5. Recuperar el sueño adecuado

Está medicina te ayuda a:

6. Controlar el estrés

7. Desintoxicar tú


8. Llevar una adecuada

suplencia de nutrientes guiada

9. Mejorar el sistema


10.Tratar la carga tóxica y

microbiológica acumulada

To find out if health coaching is right for you, come on and schedule a free initial consultation with me. During this, we will talk about you and determine how we can support you in achieving your life goals.

What is a Health Coach?

You may have heard the term “health coach” popping up in nutritional circles and appearing randomly in magazine articles and on TV. However, I often find when I tell someone that I’m a health coach, they have absolutely no idea what I’m talking about. Health and wellness coaches are popping up in doctor’s offices, spas, gyms and private practices all over the country. They often offer services and fill gaps that doctors, nutritionists and dietitians don’t have the time or resources to fill.

Health coaches have the expertise to help you with:

  • Nutrition
  • Physical activity
  • Tobacco cessation
  • Stress management
  • Work place wellness

What can I expect at an appointment?

Health coaching will help you create goals for improved wellness while providing accountability and support for achieving those goals. Individual appointments are 30 minutes and group coaching sessions are 50 minutes.

What happens if I am a new patient?

With us, you have your own dedicated dietitian to answer all of your questions and provide individualized recommendations. We get to the root cause of your health concerns with our healing-from-the-inside-out approach.

Do you examine children?


Our expert health coaches  empower kids and teens to set goals, lose weight and develop healthy eating and exercise habits.

What happens if I need a prescription?

We may prescribe for example analgesia treatment for your condition. Please let us know in case you have any allergy or other medical condition.

If you have already been taking drugs prescribed by your home doctor, please bring them with you for clarification or possible drug interactions and correlations with the new condition.

Insurance and Billing

strong>Do you accept my insurance?

Our Medical Centre accepts most of the internationally recognized Insurance companies with affiliate.

If this is not your case, or if you have no insurance coverage then you will be expected to pay the bill in cash or credit card at the end of consultation. The original receipt, the signed copy of the credit card bill, the medical report in English and the results of tests performed are given to you in order to be delivered to your private or state insurance for reimbursement.

An estimate of consultation fees and costs, investigations or surgery are available on request.

Do I need referral?

If you have private insurance with an affiliate, the referral can be sent from your insurance company to us by fax or e-mail. We suggest that you contact your insurance in order to obtain this referral before your visit to our offices.

If you don’t have an insurance coverage, feel free to come to our Medical Centre. The billing procedure is as explained above.

Do you have parking facilities?


Free Parking is available in front and around the Medical Centre.

What happens if I am a new patient?

With us, you have your own dedicated dietitian to answer all of your questions and provide individualized recommendations. We get to the root cause of your health concerns with our healing-from-the-inside-out approach.

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